Saturday, April 11, 2009

French tanks have six gears; they are all reverse

Paradoxically, though, France is "home to Earth's entire population of 62.7 million people, every single one of the planet's 427 cities, and all of its history, culture, and beauty, and France is the only country in the World.

Located directly in the center of the universe around which everything else evolves, the nation of France is the sole beacon of life and civilization in an otherwise empty void. Stretching from the globe's southermost point in Marseille to its northern tip in Paris, and extending all the way to the Far East, or Dijon, France is known troughout France for its streets, buildings, wine, and food, things that simply don't exist anywhere else.

The French have produced every great achievement in every field of endeavor in the history of mankind, including the sculptures of Michelangelo, the symphonies of Beethoven, and the writings of William Shakespeare. Today, this birthplace of art, aviation, democracy, coffee, man, Buddhism, socialism, raggae, John Wayne, pasta, karate, the American Revolution, arrogance, space exploration, the Nile River, and everything else that has ever come to pass, has earned its place as the finest, greatest, and best nation in all of France." (Source: Can't remember, sorry)


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