Sunday, March 22, 2009

My "Theory of the 9s" is very obviously not flawless

I don't quite know what I should write about. I have nothing witty, nothing funny, nothing smart to say, just the urge to write SOMETHING, whatever that might be. It's like being hit by a bus, but it feels so much nicer... Whenever there's a really - I mean TREMENDOUSLY - great girl, I go completely nuts. I become unproductive, lack the most rudimentary attention, and am like totally unwilling to commit to anything else than maximizing the time I spend with her.

While I am sitting right next to her, I can't stop wondering what the hell took me so long to ask her out. Because now I am pretty much the stupid shithead, running out of time, counting the hours until mine having to leave the country. But hey, to my defense, I did at last ask her out... just a few fuckin' months too late: 'cause now, she gots another boy.
My fellow readers would certainly point to my theory about girls being in relationships and not really being so (see post "A 9 does never hit the market"). I have, however, in all my infinite wisdom, obliterated the role of friendship in that sickingly complex fuckin' conundrum (another fancy word). Because, indeed, when you are friends, you start to think about what is best for her, and not only how your own little person might maximize his interest. You think you don't want to hurt her (1) by having her make a decision, and (2) by having to decide between a relationship and, basically, a catastrophe resulting of mine feeling rejected. So I remain foolishly quiet, exasperated by my own inability.

So, to conclude, my "Theory of the 9s" has some serious flows I need to work out...

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