Saturday, March 28, 2009

What do men want: for the slutty, the lonely, the ugly.

Ever wondered who the guys are, and what they want? Well, it's not all that complicate. If you go to the zoo and watch apes playing (or mating), you will soon understand what's behind our behavior. Nothing. We don't have such a thing as schemes or strategies. We don't make plans for dinner, let alone for life. We like boops and would say anything to spend the night with them... except confessing how we really feel. Because if we look inside, deep inside ourselves, we never find much. And this is fuckin' scary.
But let me just throw down a few characteristics of the modern ape... I meant man. He's a fast-food eating jerk. Basically. And that pretty much says it all. He's goddamn horny and sex-driven, and uses alcohol to fight his inhibitions. His neanderthal-like manners just hide his absolute and insane fear of commitment. Like something that might be, to you girls, like a very big and infinitely deep hole. You don't want to jump in there, 'cause you never know whether there are not a bunch of really hungry chacals down there. That's how relationships feel to us.
Another thing is that "you're cool because you don't give a shit". That's our motto, that's the way we behave when our bro's are around. So never, ever - you hear me - ever argue with a guy in public. He'll get nasty just to make a point - even if he doesn't mean it.
And on dates, girls, if you are not anything above a solid 8 on the hotness scale, you cannot afford to drive him ape-shit asking stupid questions. Keep them for yourself. A man will only go as far as he's sure to get decent sex. The better the sex, the merrier your questions. It's simple, basic arithmetics. Score high on his bedtime chart, and you can ask him pretty much anything, even to tender the fuckin' garbage. And as RelationShit nicely puts it: "PMS gives women carte blanche to act like bitches from hell, and yet nobody makes them over-ride their hormonal bullshit."

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